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The Art of Being a Couple | Theodore Zeldin | TEDxOxford
Theodore Zeldin argues that the art of being a couple is a pressing problem in society and that we need to train ourselves to communicate an

4 Habits of ALL successful Relationships | Dr. Andrea & Jonathan Taylor Cummings
The four habits of all successful relationships, according to Dr. Andrea Taylor-Cummings and Jonathan Taylor-Cummings, are effective communi
Neurodiversity and Leadership Tom Edwards TEDxVillanova
People on the Autism spectrum are an example of people denied full participation in our society because they do not "fit in" in one way of a

Why we sleep with Sleep Scientist Matt Walker
I recently was recommended the Book Why We Sleep by Mathew Walker and took some notes of what I found on it below. . The first sleep book...

pop culture and politics of autism, and neurodiversity
In 2006, Congress passed the Combating Autism Act. When President George W. Bush signed the bill into law, he said, “I am proud to sign this

Behind the Mask: Autism for Women and Girls | Kate Kahle | TEDxAustinCollege
As a woman with autism, Kate will talk about the gender discrepancy in autism diagnoses. Women and girls often display completely different

Dr. Lutza Ireland: How to Love, Live and Work Better | Talks at Google
Dr. Lutza Ireland joins us during Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month to discuss a neurosmart edition on how to love, live and work...

Power Foods for the Brain | Neal Barnard | TedxBismarck
Dr. Barnard has led numerous research studies investigating the effects of diet on diabetes, body weight, and chronic pain, including a gro

Feed your mental health Drew Ramsey TedxCharlottesville
Psychiatrist, Dr. Drew Ramsey, invites us to use food to increase our mental health. In this whimsical and informative talk, Dr. Ramsey giv

Recognizing ADHD in Adults | Heather Brannon | TEDxHeritageGreen
Many people feel badly about themselves and have no idea why. They just aren’t interested in opening their mail or picking up their clothes

Neurodiversity and Autism | Chanel Matil Lodik | TEDxAmsterdamWomen
Chanel Matil Lodik is a mother, an autistic female, a girlfriend, an author, an entrepreneur and an educator. In her talk she shares the str

Normalising Neuro-Diversity: My Experience with ADHD | Kylie Manzi | TEDxHillbrookAnglicanSchool
ADHD comes alive through powerful personal story-telling. Join Kylie, as she provides her personal insights to neurodiversity. Ultimately...

Autism and Neurodiversity: Different Does Not Mean Broken | Adriana White | TEDxPaloAltoCollege
In this talk, Adriana discusses the idea of neurodiversity. Many people are labeled incorrectly because their brains are wired differently.

My life with Asperger's Daniel Wendler at TEDxUniversityofArizona
How can we make sure everyone has a community where they feel accepted ? For many people -- the awkward, the shy, or the simply...

My journey as an autistic girl Meg Parker TEDxYouth@CaterhamSchool
In this powerful talk, Meg shares her journey to being diagnosed with autism and her life since. Meg is a secondary school pupil in the...

The erosion of empathy Simon Baron Cohen TEDxHousesofParliament
Unknown Speaker 0:18 Beef to not see signs scientists worked at the Dachau concentration camp. During World War Two, they were...

Why my autistic children don't need a 'cure' Vikie Shanks TEDx LeamingtonSpa
Should we really continue to pity those on the autism spectrum? Or, is it time to reexamine how we approach those with differently-wired...

'Copy & Paste’ Hidden Asperger’s Girls with Aspergers Niamh McCann TEDx DunLaoghaire
16 year old Niamh McCann is passionate about many things including ballet, the plays of William Shakespeare, the environment and public...

Look me in the Eye John Elder Robinson Talks at Google
John Elder Robison visits Google's Boulder, CO office to discuss his book "Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's." This event took...

how a font can help people with dyslexia to read | Christian Boer | TEDxFultonStreet
It's very rare that graphic design can relieve a medical problem, but this is one such case. Take a brief tour through the world of dyslexi
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