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cognitive behavioral therapy techniques and the benefits of daily mindfulness practice
How can even the simplest of daily CBT practice provide drastic positive change in your life? By taking time to improve your state of...

what is cognitive behavioral therapy and how can it help with ADHD
In this episode of ADHD for Smart Ass Women, Tracy talks about the basics of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT); what is it, who is it...

cognitive distortions - CBT techniques
Cognitive Distortions are ways that our mind convinces us of something that isn’t actually true, but feels true. Your thoughts twist...

CBT to help cancer patients cope with depression and anxiety
Official podcast feed of MDedge Psychiatry, part of the Medscape Professional Network. Episodes include interviews with leaders in...

cognitive behavioural therapy applied to fitness and health with Jill Bunny
I am so pleased to have Jill Bunny joining me for this episode. Jill Bunny is the owner of Fit Bunnies Fitness, functional nutritionist,...

Using a Digital Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Treat Diabetes and Heart Disease
Cardiomet abolic condit ions, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease, have long been treated with pharmacologic interventions. Better...

break sleep struggles with cognitive behavior therapy
Sleep is a thing in our family. Personally, I don’t do it well. It causes me great anxiety even when I go to bed. But sleep is so...

too depressed to clean
Ever been too depressed to clean your house? Cleaning when depressed is almost impossible because it's just not a priority. And if...

podcast | 20 min | BBC Business Daily | neurodiversity at work
Neurodiversity is a broad term inclusive of a number of very different things including, but not limited to, autism, ADHD, dyslexia and...

building neurodiverse talent pools
I love a good story of how our real life experiences can shape our career and how we serve the HR and workplace communities. To set the...

Christine Ramsay neuroscience behind humanbehavior
Interview with Christine Ramsay – Christine’s life purpose is to create a unified world where all differences are seen, heard, valued,...

Navigating and Thriving in Neurodiverse Relationships
For the 56th episode of Private Parts Unknown, your hosts Courtney Kocak & Sofiya Alexandra welcome Sara Langdon & Natalie Roberts, two...

Love on the spectrum: relationships with autism
Whether you’re living with autism yourself, or you’re dating someone on the spectrum, there can sometimes be a bit of confusion when it...

Managing personal relationships with ADHD
Personal relationships can often be more challenging than professional relationships with ADHD in the mix. Just remove all of the work...

how neurodiverse lawyers can thrive in the profession and change it for the better
There’s a business case to be made for hiring attorneys with ADHD, autism, learning disabilities and other neurological differences....

Autistic Therapist Kate McNulty Neurodiverse Relationships
Therapist Kate McNulty talks about her book Practical Strategies To Help Couples Understand Each Other and Strengthen Their Connection,...

Spectrum Relationships and Giving vs Giving in
Registration for the Sexy Marriage Getaway 2019 is open! WE ARE ALMOST FULL!!! Click here to join us June 20-23, 2019 On today’s regular...

Ashley Grubbs on Adult NeuroDiverse Relationships
Are you afraid to date someone with autism? Do you feel it will be like having sex with a “robot?” Do you think the sex will be bad and...

TILT Parenting: raising differently wired kids
TiLT Parenting, from parenting activist, speaker, and author Debbie Reber, features transformational interviews and conversations with...

Life,Love and Autism with Susan Baker
ABOUT THIS EPISODE Welcome back to The Simplicity Sessions, I'm delighted that you’ve joined us today. My name is Jenn Pike, your host,...
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