What it's really like to have autism | Ethan Lisi
ADHD Music - Focus music fo Better Concentration
To any autistic adults able to help… what advice do you wish your parents were given when you were y
Loving Your Place on The Spectrum | Jude Morrow
I spoke yesterday at a corporate event about my late diagnosis and felt in | Twitter | @MarinaMaral2
A randomised controlled trial of dietary improvement for adults with major depression (the ‘SMILES’
Brain Food - with Dr. Daniel Amen and Uma Naidoo
Power Foods for the Brain | Neal Barnard | TedxBismarck
Dr. Amen's 10 Simple Food Rules to Guarantee a Healthier Life
Mental Health and Nutrition Course | Free on EdX
International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry
Clinical Trial Finds Diet Works for Depression
Why Some Foods Make You Depressed | Modimed diet and SMILES trail
Food and Mood: Diet in prevention and treatment of mental health disorders
Dr. Uma Naidoo explains the 6 pillars of nutritional psychiatry | TB12 Team
What Is the Best Diet for Mental Health? | Mind and Body | Kira M Newman
What Is Nutritional Psychiatry? For Starters, It’s Delicious | Lisa Ruland
Body Intelligence - How Food Impacts Emotional Health I Dr. Uma Naidoo
Learn about hidden sugar in foods | Harvard Health Publishing