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My Aspergers Employment Journey
Aspergers and Employment is the theme for February. In this video I walk through my own work history to show the jobs that worked and...

My Top 10 Female Autistic Traits AUTISM IN GIRLS
In this video, the author talks about their personal experience with Autism Spectrum Disorder and 10 common traits that affect them on a reg

My life with Asperger's Daniel Wendler at TEDxUniversityofArizona
How can we make sure everyone has a community where they feel accepted ? For many people -- the awkward, the shy, or the simply...

My journey as an autistic girl Meg Parker TEDxYouth@CaterhamSchool
In this powerful talk, Meg shares her journey to being diagnosed with autism and her life since. Meg is a secondary school pupil in the...

On The Spectrum Simon Baron Cohen
Unknown Speaker 0:08 What led me to work in the field of autism originally was I was a teacher for children with autism in a small unit....

U.S. Bank Chief Diversity Officer Greg Cunningham speaks at The Atlantic Festival 2020
Cunningham spoke about how Minneapolis-based U.S. Bank is working to address racial inequities in its home market and across the country....

Meet GE’s Chief Diversity Officer Mike Barber
Unknown Speaker 0:00 My name is Michael Barber, and I'm the Chief Diversity Officer for General Electric. When I was growing up, it was...

Meet a Student with Asperger's Syndrome Your Story
Unknown Speaker 0:00 I'm not alone in this, a lot of people go through this, that actually motivates me a lot. Unknown Speaker 0:08 His...

At 47, I discovered I am autistic - suddenly so many things made sense
Until last year I had no idea I was autistic. I knew I was different and I had always been told I was “too sensitive”. But I don’t fit...

'Copy & Paste’ Hidden Asperger’s Girls with Aspergers Niamh McCann TEDx DunLaoghaire
16 year old Niamh McCann is passionate about many things including ballet, the plays of William Shakespeare, the environment and public...

'Through Our Eyes - Living with Asperger's' (Documentary)
Watch the FULL DOCUMENTARY! (50 minute Extended Version) ➤ Get the Extended Version on DVD ➤...

stanford neurodiversity summit day 3 part 2
Christy Clark Matta | Program Manager at Stanford University 0:02 Thank you, Sarah. And I have a feeling you're going to get some...

Stanford Schwab Learning Center | Dr Lawrence Fung | the Stanford Neurodiversity Project
Lawrence Fung, Director, Stanford Neurodiversity Project; Director, Adult Neurodevelopment Clinic; Clinical Assistant Professor,...

Neurodiversity at Work 2020 season
Learn how to employ neurodiverse people’s unique and special talents to your market advantage. This series has been created to help you...

AutismCRC | Autism @Work 2021 Virtual Summit Employer Panel
Monday, August 23 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT This panel...

webinar with Ultranauts panel
Sarah is joined by the Director of Research in Industrial Organizational Psychology at Vanguard University of Southern California,...

Autism@Work 2021 Virtual Summit Speakers Info and resources
Free Virtual Conference August 23 6pm New York Time US | The Autism@Work Virtual Summit gives you the opportunity to hear from more than 40

how to improve communication with coworkers and employees
Most of the work we do requires coordinating and collaborating with others. But how can we ensure the benefits of working with others,...

treating depression without medication with Dr. Steven Hayes
Depression is everywhere these days, and more and more people ar e turning to antidepressant medication for relief. But what many don’t...

cognitive behavioral therapy made simple
Today it’s great to have Dr. Seth Gillihan on the podcast. Dr. Gillihan is a licensed psychologist who has written and lectured...
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