Imagine that person A has the football skills of Tom Brady and the basketball skills of Michael Jordan.
There is also an exact clone of this person.
Person A is idle, ready at a moment's notice to deploy (muscle memory, training, familiarity, and sensors) skills to football.
The clone is also idle, ready at a moment's notice to deploy (muscle memory, training, familiarity, and sensors) skills to basketball.
A stranger walks up and needs basketball skills.
it will take the football mind a transition period to communicate equally to the basketball mind and vice-versa if the topic were football
despite the skills being clones, society is set up to read something into this transition period and does so systemically.
spend time focusing on mindreading to determine what sport to keep top of mind for the next stranger
spend time focussing on the transition period to understand of it
focus on how the system can move to a model that translates input data prior to interpreting it