Aut-Hour is created and hosted by UK-based comedy writer and author of Drama Queen, Sara Gibbs. Today’s guest was Eric Garcia whose book, We’re Not Broken, Changing the autism conversation, is out today - order it here or at any good bookshop. You can find Eric on Twitter @EricMGarcia
Eric’s article about consent is available to read here.
Special thanks to Graeme Rawson who composed the Aut-Hour theme, Graeme Watson who designed the Aut-Hour logo and John Gibbs who edited this episode. Photo in the logo is by Juliet McKee.
If you like what you’ve heard, please hit subscribe, leave a review & follow us on Instagram and Twitter @AutHourPod. A full transcript of this episode is available here in text format. Sara’s book, Drama Queen, One Autistic Woman and a Life of Unhelpful Labels is out now. Find out more at