understand a situation from another point of view "Travel"

processing in terms of a construct
supporting teamates
I agree Carole Jean Whittington. Both of these fabulous ladies have helped me to understand my teenager and I have passed on a lot of the wisdom at work. The best advice that I see time and time again is: “Ask all of your team members what they need in order to feel accepted, safe and can thrive. Listen to their answers.” It’s also important to remember that people should not have to disclose that they are autistic to be treated as a respected and cherished individual. But read Jaime A. Heidel and Jessica Michaels too. Lots of insight.
Lori Samuels, if you like something that blends research and lived experience: Specific to advancement in leadership: https://www.fastcompany.com/90706149/neurodivergent-people-make-great-leaders-not-just-employees Systemic inclusion with the focus on autism https://www.fastcompany.com/90730688/to-build-a-healthy-workplace-you-need-a-toxic-culture-alarm For employers or employees, https://hbr.org/2021/12/autism-doesnt-hold-people-back-at-work-discrimination-does Strengths: https://ca.specialisterne.com/autistic-strengths-human-value-and-human-uniqueness-untangling-the-strengths-based-approach-from-stereotypes-and-simplifications/ Motivation: https://ca.specialisterne.com/work-motivation-stress-and-including-autistic-employees-one-size-does-not-fit-all/ Stress and moral injury https://ca.specialisterne.com/moral-injury-at-work-and-neurodiversity-are-there-additional-risk-factors/ Part 2 https://ca.specialisterne.com/the-moral-injury-coping-healing-and-post-traumatic-growth/ Bullying https://ca.specialisterne.com/workplace-bullying-of-autistic-people-a-vicious-cycle/
Lori, www. askearn.org has some good resources on neurodiversity in the workplace including management and peer training resources (https://askearn.org/page/neurodiversity-in-the-workplace). Also Disability:IN and other companies just launched the Neurodiversity Career Connector, a career portal dedicated to neurodivergent jobseekers (https://ndcc.simplifyhire.com).