Hi my name is Shellayna and I've made this gofund me in the hopes that I can raise enough money to keep a roof over mine and my 2 kids' heads for a few months whilst I get housing assistance and disability/SSI sorted.
Both things are in the works and as with everything assistance related it takes time to be processed and activated.
Mean while I have zero income and am out of my savings and only have money due to selling off some things but I haven't near enough to last me past this month.

I am a divorced single mother of two daughters, ages 7 and 8.5, on the autism spectrum. They are the most important thing in my life and if I lose my home I lose my time with them as I would no longer be able to take them over night. I can't bear that thought and I can't bear the thought of losing everything cause I can't pay my bills. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and working is not an option for me in the traditional sense due to the pain it causes me to be on my feet for hours at a time. Tho I have been looking for part time work from home jobs, to no avail so far as every one I've seen is offering full time and with my kids and their needs that's not possible right now as there isn't many options or any options at all for sitters or day care for special needs children, not that I could afford to pay for any of those in any case. I am hoping to raise at least $3000 to get me thru the next 3 months at least of bills and necessities that aren't food. I very much appreciate any and all help you can afford. Thank you!