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stanford neurodiversity summit day 2 part 2 continued

Unknown Speaker 1:53:13

Thank you, Jose. Thank you to all the panels. It's been truly a privilege introducing you. Now, Dr. Lawrence Fung will lead the q&a. Take it away, Dr. Fung,

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 1:53:30

I'm going to invite all the panelists to be joining us. So the first half of the session. We're actually we're free parts what the first part you just completed talking about your own programs. And then the next segment is going to be pre prepared questions that we all know that we want to get answers for. And and then the third segment will be the q&a. We already got many questions coming in. So we most probably will not be able to answer them all but I think we'll try our best to be as comprehensive as possible. So the first question is about scaling up the autism at work program on neuro diversity at work program. I think several of you have started talking about this already. And having a roadmap is really important when you're doing the scaling. So So I think one part of the question is, how do you scale the program within your company and also But the other is how do you think, as a society, we can scale the neuro diversity of work? initiative? So let's have Jose lead off with this particular question.

Unknown Speaker 1:55:17

I want to start from the second one. Dr. Fong, I think it's a very, very important question as a society, what can we do to get this topic of neurodiversity? As part of the new normal in the workplace, I think that we are doing some of the right steps are ready. The very fact that we have right now 207 folks in a virtual room right now that in spite of scheduling challenges in our day to day responsibilities, our giving of their time to be part of this conversation, encourages me and I think the courage is also my fellow panelists, in knowing that we are going in the right direction, is there more work to do? Absolutely. My personal take on this is also that we need to be more deliberate about the utilization of resources when it comes down to cross company type of integrations. We do a lot of sharing amongst the companies here that you see, we have regular calls between eBay and JPMorgan Chase, and in Microsoft, in everybody here and be seen in this panel. But I think that the topic of optimizing resources across companies is going to be the next frontier. Why do we have to each one of us have our own technical program or our own multi step this or multi step that my feeling is that we will go through an optimization process in which we're going to be able to realize commonalities between our companies in have joint discussions on how we can basically leverage each other's competencies in realize economies of scales? Now, regarding the question of how do we scale programs from within our companies, for those of you who have already started a program, you typically would have gone probably to two or three cohorts already, the program has become popular within your organization. And you are known as an employer of neuro diverse talent outside of your organization. So you're, you're at that point where again, you already said this works, this is something that we can do. Let's go ahead and scale it, there are a number of questions that you would need to ask yourself, in order to get to the next level, the next level of performance and amplification of your program within your company borders. The first one would be out of their practices that you implemented, the sourcing, the screening, the training, the onboarding that you have done, and the retention practices scalable. In other words, can you hire neurodiverse candidates in more than one or two or three locations, because if you're a large organizations, you have presence in not only multiple locations within one country, but in multiple countries. The other question that you can ask yourself is can can our internal or external processes in service providers give you the support that you need across multiple locations, not only across multiple locations, but I crossed an increased number of applicants in your in your pipeline? Because again, if you are known as an employer of people that are new or diverse, it's very likely that that pipeline of candidates that are new or diverse are starting to grow. Okay. Then, the other question is what happens when you have now individuals that might be neurodiverse? Who are stepping up? They say, look, I love working for this company SAP, or Microsoft or E y, or jpmc, or DMC really get it? Okay. I am somebody who was hired not through an autism hiring program, but I am neurodiverse. And I would like to disclose to see what services are available to me. Now, you are not going to be able to control the head and say, well, we only provide services in this location or that location. Suddenly, when people feel comfortable, people are going to start raising their hand and you need to have a strategy in order to be able to satisfy those those those needs of neurodiverse employees. And lastly, the question is, once you get to a point where you are beyond a certain controlled environment, you're going to have to ask yourself, do I buy or build or partner on the services that I am providing? What is the absolutely best way for me to deliver on those services that are needed across the Let me pass it on to some of the other guys because I don't want to hog the microphone here.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:00:05

So, Anthony, let's go with JPMorgan Chase. JPMorgan Chase has a really good trajectory, very fast growing program. How do you do that? How do you just go so fast in hiring so many people on the spectrum within a short few years? And what do you think JPMorgan Chase vision on influencing the society and help other smaller, smaller guys to actually start their own neuro diversity work program?

Unknown Speaker 2:00:49

Yeah, thanks, Dr. Fun. I think it first starts with, you know, when we started out, you know, rather small, we prove that business cases and senior leaders across the firm, you know, we actually had roadshows like we went to Chicago, we went to Tampa, we went to our bigger sites, and again, that was, technologically speaking back in the early days. But I think here's what happens, you know, word catches on very quickly amongst, you know, the four or five senior leaders understanding that, you know, the untapped talent is actually providing some of the best work, that we've seen a different way of thinking about it. And it just kind of kind of hangs on to itself and kind of motors through the the firm, I think the other thing that we did, well, in order to scale it was that we marketed it, meaning we marketed the program, so that others in the firm could understand that we do have an autism work hiring program. And we have 250,000 employees who have relatives, sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, who were struggling to find employment, and we tapped that kind of hidden pipeline. We were successful in a couple of other different ways. Our culture was changing at that time as well. Right? So we officer we opened the office of disability inclusion, we have this other kind of forum, the my accessibility hub, who helps with reasonable accommodations. So the company was becoming probably, you know, multi pronged in that approach with disability hiring. So I think, you know, kind of getting out there. And we always thank, you know, Neil and Jose for for starting the autism working players Roundtable. That was actually the catalyst. So when we did forums like this, when we did panels, and we started to talk about how we could go bigger, go stronger, it was the expansion into the other countries, we had the opportunity to go forward and build our own kind of infrastructure. Jose just talked about it. We didn't know we didn't know back in 2015, we had to have vendors help us do some of the education and training. Once we took that on ourselves, after a couple of years, we were able to kind of permeate the the culture and permeate our training and development within the firm, so that more people could see that and hence, you know, you get to that 6000 level. But it only takes one person sometimes to see the incredible work that folks on the spectrum were performing for the firm. And that's really how it takes up. Now, if you have a smaller type company, and you want to be able to build kind of that talent. You know, we a lot of our calls, and I'm sure Jose in here, and the rest of the folks get these all the time. But we get phone calls or an email or, you know, LinkedIn message that says, hey, listen, I'd love to know about your firm and how you started and what you did so, but five hours of my week is spent talking to other companies large and small, about neuro diversity programs, autism, you know, what's the education like? How did you do the interviewing, if you give them them small pieces, they kind of figure out what their firm's gonna be able to handle, right? You might not be a JPMorgan Chase or Microsoft with, you know, x 100 1000s of employees. But you need to give everybody the opportunity. And the scalability comes in once that one person is doing well. And listen, it's all not roses. So everybody who's asking questions, you know, and we're giving you all these wonderful tidbits about our programs. Listen, we all have failures in there as well, but we will learn from them. And I think that that kind of helps, you know, our senior leaders understand that there's still work to do. But what we're experiencing now is just a growth of unparalleled germs.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:05:08

Thank you anything new? Same question, what what do you think the steps that Microsoft is taking to go to the next level to really drill kind of dramatically expand this program? I think one thing that I want to point out is, collectively, all of you guys are really doing a really wonderful job and has capitalized a lot of the activities in the society. The the numbers are still too small, collectively, we have millions of people on the spectrum that need jobs, and really is a couple of 1000 people, Max that are in these programs. So So how do you really make it scaled? Yeah, and how do you influence others and small to medium sized businesses?

Unknown Speaker 2:06:06

Yeah, so that's a great question. And I think that's, that's how this thing really scales, because you're right. I mean, if if we double our numbers from 100, to 200, or 200, to 400, it's still, you know, meaningful, but it's not 1000s and 1000s, as you're just mentioning, and so, you know, that's why I think we are so committed, all of us are to really, you know, to grow this exponentially. And to scale it has to be with other employers big and small. And I think the, the mid size, small size is such an important market, that we need to continue to figure out how to, to partner and work with, as you know, Kieran, and in Anthony mentioned around, you know, resources and, and really, you know, enabling others, even if it's starting small, to hire and to think like this, because, you know, we, we talk to folks all the time, and we may not have opportunities at Microsoft today. But you know, there's such a need out there. And so I think we're doing work in the roundtable with job marketplaces, we're doing work around education of small businesses and connecting more with those small businesses. And, you know, I think that's how this thing's going to scale. And so ultimately, we all need to, to think about what we can individually do as our own employers. And in tried to, to leverage one another, it's not necessarily a financial thing or a resource thing, we need to kind of democratize this. So it's easier to do enable success, you know, once hired, hiring as though part we always talk about, but then obviously, once hired, it's the, the the retention and growth is so important to

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:07:54

you, can you hear if you have already started presenting that roadmap, would you like to add to what you have already talked about? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 2:08:10

Thank you, Lauren. So you know, the only thing that I'll add, and Neil said it very well, is everybody has their own journey to take on this, what the application could look like. But you have to start somewhere. I know, as Anthony was saying, it's a we kind of didn't know what we didn't know when we started out. But it is all good intention. But I think that the knowledge that you get from this open source community is probably one of the most valuable things that I have learned and gained, and that we continue to do as a corporation or individual sole proprietorship, wants to go on their own journey. And really, I would say, the most critical thing is why are you doing this? What is the why behind it? Because if it's not sustainable and scalable, then you have to really figure out, you know, how much effort Can you put into something and what would happen to these individuals if the program did not receive its attention anymore? And I know for all of us, we talked about not having a program one day so I think it starts with your why why do you do this? answering that question and gaining some collective knowledge is a great starting point.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:09:32

Miko the same question about scaling. I know you have been thinking about that in all sorts of different ways because we talk quite regularly and what what do you what do you want to say about really the XC technology internally would be willing to do to scale and also what what about influencing others I kind of know a little bit of the background and is very innovative approach and would be great if the audience know a little bit about that.

Unknown Speaker 2:10:11

Yeah, I think Yeah, thanks stand up. For me. I think the part of it is also we try and open source as much as possible. I think that's an important part that you know, that if you look at all the people that organizations have downloaded, or a lot of our material, they're kind of quite geographically spread those small companies. And I think the continue open sourcing of material, I think, that allows, you know, people to develop their own programs and hire ones and twos, and could be threes. And that's how you can I get a bit of a wave, we know 80% of employment happens with small business. So it's really how you kind of scale that out. And they and small business has lots of different job roles as well, you know, from doing cake decorating to, you know, to, you know, doing mechanics work. So I think it's, it's key to keep continuing to open source. I think the other key element is evidence based research. I think that's important too. So give people a kind of a Northstar, knowing what are some of the blueprints that can be to be done, I think that's where academia, and also corporations, especially large corporations that can afford it, really making sure there's evidence based research underneath the program. So we know what works and what doesn't work. And I think that's important for scaling. And kind of in is kind of Jose was saying that allows for interoperability between different models as well, if you know, things are working, I think the other part for us is to scale through we've been very much focusing on as well as kind of pulling apart our program and providing it as part of you would call the us into the vocational rehab sector to scale it. So we've been very much doing that Australia, which is a pilot actually going on at the moment, which then we hope to impact close to probably a probably half a million people. That's what we've been doing this year. That's a big program. So we're hoping to impact about half a million people through our program. And also, I think the part of it is also which we've been, I think another big part is high school. internships, I think men are giving opportunities very early in the piece for people to participate in some kind of work. And I think we need to be a lot more open in in that and that gives obviously, opportunity for people to grow. And also seek other opportunities in other sectors, not only just in maybe just the IT sector, Baba, but other sectors as well, I think was quite important. And I think, you know, in in doing that to layering, developing kind of models that can be operationalized, like support models, and through technology and support models that are can be scaled as well, I think that's quite important as well. So to take off some of the some of the initial kind of major, maybe residents of maybe all kind of perceived kind of issues around how hard a program is as well.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:13:19

Thank you, Mike. So kind of piggyback on that. So Michael is successfully engaging the Australian Government to be taking this seriously. How about our country in the United States? Any any of your organization's have the plan to maybe engage with any of the government bodies, agencies? Anyone?

Unknown Speaker 2:13:58

Doctor found out, I'll jump in first. I think you'll find many of our companies have already engaged at a state and local level. And often we find it's the governor's office, it's a senator's office, there's a late there's a congressman or district representative in these individuals are very actively engaged in this arena and where geographically it happens to intersect with where our programs are. It's beautiful of how it happens. Anyway, we are now going to take a bigger approach. We are working with our government and public sector and our Office of Public Policy to drive this into basically, Capitol Hill and and to government and basically say, this is a topic that will impact and have exponential value on multiple levels. But it's not sustainable for companies just to do this on our own. As Neil said before Even if we doubled our program size at this point, without the support structures of vocational rehab in other government function or agency, clearly, we are not going to be able to scale and that will be an impediment to each and every single one of us. So we absolutely think and hopefully, after the election, as we know what the administration is going to look like, we can bring this conversation to a federal level. And we are lucky with the likes of SAP, JPMorgan Chase, DSC and Microsoft and Eli that up to our global Chairman, Chairwoman and leadership, we have commitment. So we're hoping that business can be a voice here that influences government change, but I'll pause and see if any of my colleagues have any thoughts to add here.

Unknown Speaker 2:15:56

This is whatever the last thing that you've characterized all the different dimensions of the government participation, there's, as you said, here in work to do okay, it plenty of opportunity for us to grow in those relationships, and really help drive this private public partnerships to the next level. I believe that the current models that we have are just kind of a starting point, I think that there's, again, an opportunity for us to have that connection with, with organizations that support this, because as Neil was saying earlier, this is not something that we can do on our own. It does require significant private partnerships with the private sector, the public sector, the third sector, the NGOs, in many others. school systems as well, you know, it's super important. But anyway, back to you,

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:16:45

Dr. funk. Anything new? Or?

Unknown Speaker 2:16:54

No, I just I think there is some good work going on with government agencies, looking to figure out how to create these type of hiring practices across all government agencies in the US. So I would you know, more to come. There's some good, good effort going on.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:17:11

Yeah, and last year, I think some of us were at the United Nations or the neuro diversity at works. Roundtable. So definitely, this is getting a lot of attention already. And quite recently, Heron was actually on 60 minutes. So this is really a really prime time to really continue to talk about this in a more public way. So, um, any any additional ideas on like, public engagement? Are there particular strategies that you think we should be thinking about? Maybe, right now we have the Black Lives Matter. Movement, diversity is now really on the table. So how, how do we think about the timing? Like, right now? Is this actually the best time to to do this? Even more than if so how?

Unknown Speaker 2:18:28

Dr. folds? Michael here. And I think one of the things we learnt, we're doing a lot of engagement with the Australian Government at the moment. And one of the things we've learned is, the more that government agencies can actually be involved and actually operating programs themselves, they become part of the mission. So I think that's kind of important, I think, is a really obviously some good work happening. I think, initially, as Neil was saying, you know, happening in the within the US federal government, I think there's a program that's being run by treason with murder. I think there's how you expand that, you know, further to get more agencies, but that was some of the we've, we've got a research program at the moment, looking at how public sector more broadly engages in these types of works. But one thing it came back for very senior executives from the from the qualitative kind of research was really about, you know, being engaged and being emotionally engaged in these kinds of programs, helps drive the broader overall kind of push upward into into the power of what we call our political kind of hierarchy, as well.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:19:36

Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 2:19:38

Dr. Fang, I'll come back to the question as well that you're asking. I think that this is probably the best time ever to reach Chief Diversity and Inclusion officers chief HR, HR, OHS Chief Human Resource Officers, as well as others that are in companies that are making commitments today. There's great words around standing up for social injustice or racial injustice. And, frankly, what all of our organizations have been able to do is to convert a desire around something good into tangible value. Now, we've only been able to do this with the amazing talent that's there. And frankly, without our diversion team members, we would not be here today, obviously. So I would say that what's interesting when I often speak with C suite folks is I talk about how the neurodivergent community cuts across every single diversity, segment and intersection, gender, race, sexual orientation, socio economic groups. And it's a amazing microcosm, as I use this word before, for what we see elsewhere. And I think that, that is there's tremendous power in the fact that when Neil or Anthony or Michael or Jose or I speak to somebody, we are not speaking, hypothetically, we are speaking based on fact, and value better. And so I think that to the extent that we can help to push promote, you know, they say strike while the iron is hot. I think the iron is very hot right

Unknown Speaker 2:21:22

now. So, I'm going to kind of go with hearing on that. I think what is happening in this day and time is obviously opened up a lot of folks eyes. But it's, I think it's probably opened up a lot of eyes of, you know, colleagues who have never stated that they're on the spectrum or LGBTQ. I can tell you personally, over the past four or five months, that I've been on numerous phone calls with people who want to know about our program, but do cross that intersectionality. And they feel empowered at this moment, to come and speak, that says volumes about what is going on in our world today. And, you know, if tragically, if the events that took place, have had moved this needle, if something good comes about this, which it will, this is one of those good things. And you know, I hope everybody understands that, that all of us on this panel, and and listen, you know, you have five guys, you know, sitting here, right? So everybody's probably looking going, Oh, geez, you know, but five guys on a panel? Well, that's not very, you know, diverse, so to speak. Well, we're trying to start the movement to get the movement going. If we started five or 10 years ago, I shouldn't have this job and a little bit, it should be BYU of how we do this. From a company perspective, even small companies, it should be built into your hiring practices, and by having a DNI movement, if it forwards that. I'm all for it. And I'll get off my soapbox.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:23:21

We'll say our new any anything to add on this?

Unknown Speaker 2:23:29

I just have a couple of thoughts. I think that diversity and inclusion is a seven by 24 topic, all year round all seasons in I think that we need to continue to drive this things in the topic of neurodiversity is one of the more nascent ones in this space of diversity and inclusion, not generally adopted by many companies in I guess from my perspective, I would encourage everybody out there to learn more about it. As Hera said, this is a great opportunity to take you to your your leadership, whether it's the business leadership, or your HR, diversity and inclusion. It is it is a perfect time to start driving this dialogue. But again, we look at it diversity and inclusion as an umbrella. I think it's a wonderful thing to do seven by 24. But if we can drive a specific topic of diversity, I'm sorry, new diversity, at this point in time, I think will be very helpful to the community, the communities that we serve. Thank you. My peers said Well,

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:24:33

yeah, so kind of along those veins actually, maybe I'll come back to hearing at this moment because your organization is named neuro diversity, Center of Excellence. So so that's that's definitely very much including not only people on the autism spectrum, but as well as other people with dyslexia or ADHD or other neuro diverse conditions. So how do you view the specific needs, that each of those groups are being supported? So apparently, if you have only one group of people maybe at least a little bit easier to, to figure out what to do even that it's not so easy with autism. So now, if you expand it, do you find it very challenging to actually provide all the support needs or anything that's involved? Because it's more broad than a circumscribed population?

Unknown Speaker 2:25:52

Yeah, wonderful question. And, you know, we were very deliberate Anyway, when we started to use the term neuro diversity, understanding, and acknowledging that this umbrella term, it campuses, a number of different types of individuals. But, Dr. funk, I think you said something that was probably most relevant to us. And as the saying goes, that I've heard, if you've had one person on the spectrum, you've met one person. I think that, as we started out in the why making sure that we design process used from recruitment, to assessment, to onboarding, to ongoing support to career transition, and career progression, that we're doing this targeting the individual. And that really allows us, I think, the flexibility as well as the right level of support to say, you could be an individual, you know, an autistic individual, and you will be very different from the other autistic giving them you could be an individual that has co occurring conditions. Or you could be an individual that just needs different types of support. And so for us starting that, from day one, really forced us into that mode of how do we coach support to the individual, as opposed to the group or a team. And, as I've recently had conversation, some of my colleagues to say, in fact, it has benefited us. And it's been almost easier to do, because the amazing thing that we find is that our team members support each other. And and I don't think that's amazing. I think among the neuro diversity community, there's a tremendous amount of empathy and emotional intelligence, and they understand each other. And when they understand each other so well as they work together, as well as with with everybody else. You're not thinking about matching different groups, you're thinking about managing to the individual.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:28:07

And you're here. So Michael, your program dandelion program also does not have to work autism on it. So your program is with focus on autism, however. So what what do you think the trajectory of the deadline programs? Do? Are you going to expand to include this toxic individuals, people with ADHD etc?

Unknown Speaker 2:28:35

Yeah, I think you think Dr. Fong, um, throughout kind of program at the moment, we kind of take on this concurrent co occurring kind of issues we do deal with, as we know, with autism. But I think the thing we've kind of really focus now is that we're expanding that. So we've now been into dyslexia for quite a while for now almost a year, really focusing on building that program out and working with the dyslexic community on that. So we've been very big on that. So we've been customizing some of our material and obviously, attention deficit disorder as well, we've been focusing on building that and I think, overall, we're now kind of your program will start to there's lots of intersectionalities going on, I think what about what will happen is we'll have some foundation pieces of our program, which will end up being came in obviously streams around major pathways. So we've been very much you know, also now creating a very much a different pathway and support program for for gender. So that's been one thing we've realized is gender has been, you know, we've needed to actually be a bit more nuanced in how we actually support and also recruit, you know, individuals that you know, that take in treating them as individuals in that so you know, in regards to females and women in general that we kind of have a different pathway. So that's kind of one of our big things, we'll actually segment the program into very much more different pathways. And also dealing with having a broader set of based education in regards to dealing with some more more life, Scott, lifestyle issues as well. So we're looking at the moment, as part of it is dealing with online gaming and gaming in general, as a as an issue as an addiction. So there were some addictive behaviors around it. So I think that's something that these kind of modules will actually be quite broad. And hopefully, we can then provide that to the broader population as well. But we're, you know, I think in probably what we're hoping probably in five years time, is the down line program would probably be more integrated into our overall corporate structure. So we probably won't see downline anymore. But we're actually part of a more general human capital management approach, which will be the lot more nuances. So we're hoping that the goal is by about in about five years time is that we won't have the program in its in its same form.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:31:16

Thanks, Mike. How about in SAP? Jose, what's the the general sense of I mean, your SAP is the first company that really has done successfully in hiring people on the spectrum. Are there other groups, like people with dyslexia or people with ADHD that come to you and say, What about us?

Unknown Speaker 2:31:55

Yes, we we certainly have had that, even if I mean, most most prominently within our own artistic folks, because, as Michael was saying, there's a lot of intersectionality in from various different dimensions. Okay, so we are already doing that, and providing the resources and the support that people need. But I think that if we take a step back, really, the ambition would be maybe for this programs to one day, become a portfolio of services that are provided to employees, without the specific need to have a certain classification or a diagnosis. In other words, if you are an employee who is dyslexic, and you need certain amount of services, those will be part of a company wide portfolio that we provide them. Why is this important? Well, there's a whole bunch of people out there that do not know that they may be neurodiverse. But they do need the services. And those services manifest in many cases in director interactions with other employment employees in the company. Right. So again, my feeling is that the next stage in this is the establishment of those of those services or platforms that would allow for more that programs, perhaps I wouldn't necessarily say to this appear, because there will always be room for having a program out there that administers this this topics. But I think that it would be super beneficial to have them available to everybody. We've had a significant numbers, number of employees that are neurodiverse self identified as employees who did not come through the autism at work program. And I think that as companies become more of your levers, as companies create a sense of openness within the organization, that immediate next thing that will happen is where can we find those services that may allow me to be a better employee? Okay.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:34:12

Thank you, Jose. Neil, what do you think? and Microsoft? Will What? What What do you think Microsoft is heading with this issue of having people with dyslexia and ADHD starting to also want to have some specific support, like people on the spectrum?

Unknown Speaker 2:34:36

Yeah, so yeah, I totally agree with everything Jose said. I would, I would say that you know, we look at all of disability Microsoft and disability being a strength and so we have programs not formal programs like the autism program for folks today for pan disability and so, but I think the topic round expanding the program. per se to be more inclusive for neuro diversity than than just autism, it's definitely a place that we will be going at some point for sure. And then, you know, we continue to hire folks every day. I think that's what's really important too, is it's not even these programs that are important. I think there are lighthouse moments. But it's the everyday hiring. Right. And so that's, you know, right now, Microsoft, we're interviewing folks, not through the autism hiring program that are artistic, right? And what does that experience when you're interviewing today for a job in office or Xbox or windows? And so I think that's what's the ultimate, you know, pieces that we keep talking about these programs going away and how it scales into the everyday hiring. And I think the everyday hiring is how this thing will ultimately scale and be inclusive for everybody.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:35:45

So yeah, for sure. Actually, I think, colleagues talk a cover song brought anything to add.

Unknown Speaker 2:35:56

No, I think I think you know, the the larger thought about the programs, autism nerd verse. But listen, we have even a separate program called the best program, which really delves into everything except autism, but you can't you can have pockets of that Down syndrome, dyslexia, dyspraxia, we hire folks that have the different cognitive nature than autism. And that program is just off the ground, probably less than a year. So you know, we have, it's not a competing program, like everybody thinks so, you know, you're taking away from your program. Now, this just as for the betterment of JPMorgan Chase, this is growing what we've already started, they take some of our basic training, apply different principles. But think about it this way, we have an office of disability inclusion, we have assistive technology for folks who are hard of hearing, that do have dyslexia who have cognitive differences, it is a part of what we do, taking the autism work program with the best program away. only happens when we really kind of delve into our recruiting, and make sure that what we're doing at the campuses, what we're doing at experienced employment, that they all follow the universal design that Jose here and Neil, Michael have all laid out from a training and development perspective, so that when you walk into one of our organizations, it's the same for everybody. And we're all on the same page. And we're giving the same questions. And we're throwing some of that, you know, where do you see yourself in five years junk out, because I don't even know where I see myself in five years, throwing that out the window, level, the playing field, and you'll get everybody right meal set of best wondering people that are on the spectrum. We know they're not coming through our program. We might find out later when they self ID. But we got to level the playing field microphone.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:38:12

So now, I'm going to post the last question In this segment, and then I'll move on to the audience q&a. So in light of the pandemic, how is your organization managing all these challenges? I think at various different levels, probably the kind of individual level maybe at the organizational level, and and how, how is the pandemic really affecting the jobs available in your own company? And does that actually negatively affect this specialized employment program? versus the general recruitment? Hearing? What would you like to start? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 2:39:13

you know, I think the pandemic clearly is not only having an impact on the workplace today, but the unfortunate ripple effect will last for quite some time afterwards. And it'll affect change the way an organization operates. And, frankly, not only to survive today, but to thrive in the future. All of that being said, I go back to a point that we talked about earlier, Dr. Fung around any organization asking, Why do they have a neuro diversity program? And frankly, that the answer to that question will determine the sustainability and scalability of what you do and if we think about it, roles that are integral and critical to that organization's mission and their vision and their purpose there, I think you will see an increased growth and they will be a parallel correlation a positive correlation. As the organization moves, the neuro divergent talent pool will increase and be embedded even that much further, I think there is an unfortunate possibility of the opposite happening in some cases where hiring is getting shut down the gig economy, meaning the contractor contingent workforce is increasing. And the rules of engagement are going to change. And those rules be confusing to everybody. And so the opposite of what could happen if we are not deliberate, conscious and careful, is that we could find that you have segments of society that are in effect online, they're waiting behind others for their opportunity, because maybe they're not the loudest, or they're not the most vocal. And I think that smart organizations today are realizing the agility and resiliency doesn't come from the person who speaks the loudest, it comes from the person who has focus, and who wants to do good work. And other than that, those individuals provide great loyalty and teamwork. And frankly, what I'm so proud of working with my colleagues on this panel, is our organizations are really proving and exuding diverse teams really provide better results. And so that the end of the day, I think that will transcend the UPS or downs of pandemic and post pandemic. Michael, would you like to go next

Unknown Speaker 2:41:50

year? Dr. Phil, I'm very happy to be here next year, I think it's it's here was saying is that I think there's just this, the COVID-19 is definitely a seismic shift across all seismic wave across a whole bunch of industries. And I think the part of it is that employments can be my belief is going to be quite patchy across a lot, a lot of actual segments. And I think the part of it is that the growth in kind of the gig economy will probably see. And I think the part of it for I think programs like ourselves is actually preparing, you know, individuals to actually participate in the gig economy and allow that to grow in occur. You know, we one thing I think being it, companies, most of us here, we do already actually experience shortages as much in most areas already. So I think, for us who I think will be looking to recruit, and I think that's going to be going on, especially for the IT industry, which will be the wave of kind of people going to using digital going going digital, or they're all making making their organizations more, more or less leaner, and actually will put more productive. But I do think, I think part of it is that it's actually how do we scale out or provide our knowledge more to more organizations to, as I mentioned before, really small and medium companies and small businesses to actually assure that when employment occurs, it's actually going to happen more and more at the grassroots community level, and ensuring that, you know, we're you know, they have the ability and the tools and the knowledge to hire people that are neuro diverse. I think that's going to be very critical. So government has a role to play in that education. And obviously, large organizations such as ourselves, now, leveraging our supply chains, and our our knowledge is trying to actually disseminate that to a broader range of audiences. So there's, as employment kicks up in a good kick up in a move very much in very different sectors, other than just it Creative Industries, working in advanced manufacturing, so allowing those opportunities really to be be very provided to people that are neuro diverse.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:44:11

Thank you, Jose, your views on the pandemic.

Unknown Speaker 2:44:16

I think that for us, the pandemic has provided us an opportunity to also look inside of the company and strengthen the program strengthened the purpose and the momentum that we had. We establish more community calls with our colleagues that are on the spectrum, this this feeling of isolation that we all had or have been having. I think that sometimes it's is more detrimental for some of our colleagues in the spectrum that might be living by themselves. Okay, they often don't have family around. So for that reason, we we have again, strengthened that community involvement in have more Receiving points with them. But another part is the strengthening of the community within SAP at large. This just about two weeks ago, actually, we launched their first dot first out disome inclusion network, which is an employee network group is not part of the autism at work program. Formerly, even though many of the people that are part of our program are part of our network is something fascinating happened, we sent out an invitation to all of our employees in North America to see if they wanted to participate. This employee network group has three pillars. One is for self identify folks in on the spectrum, as well as those that were hired to the program. So that's employees that are on the autism spectrum, that we have a second pillar, which is family members that have a loved one, who is neurodiverse. And the third one is allies. And, frankly, when we sent out the invitation to all of North America, we thought we would have maybe 50 people participate 75 people, within a few hours, we failed the 550 seats that we had on on that session, their staff says that there's a need for this type of talk to address this type of topics inside of your organization. And again, if we look at what are what has resulted from from COVID, yes, we've had some difficult moments all of us have. But on the other side, there's been some, some brilliant moments as well that have allowed us to operate better to improve our processes. But probably most importantly, Dr. Fung is to strengthen our internal employee community within the organization.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:46:56

Okay. Neil? Yeah, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 2:47:02

I would just add more on the optimistic side of the pandemic equation, which is I do am very optimistic that now working from home is become kind of normalized, where, again, working from home was not. It's not for everybody, there's a lot of folks that want to be in the office, in general speaking. But I also think hiring managers who used to say I have roles, and it's based here, in our case, Seattle, and we need to move, like I said, most of our hires have moved from cross country to Seattle, that I'm actually optimistic that this will open up the opportunity for folks not to have a choice if they want to move or not. And we have found talent that, you know, guide jobs, but they just, you know, didn't want to move, understandably. So their support systems are, are back where they live. And so I am optimistic all are both in the autism community, but brah disability, that, you know, this is going to break down some of those barriers to employment, the need to relocate or the need to move, or the need to transition to another place. And I am optimistic when we come out the other side of this, that corporate employers will now see the ability to do remote work as efficiently as being in person. So that's the plus side. And

Unknown Speaker 2:48:32

yeah, I'll be super brief on this. Right. So my four other colleagues probably nailed what we're all kind of doing. Yeah, I think there's, there's two schools of thought, right? So we encountered folks who are doing well, at home, and you encounter those who do not. But that applies to both neurotypicals. And folks who are on the spectrum, too, right. So we've, we've been dealing with folks that we normally wouldn't have to deal with, right, because they're in the office, and you know, their routine has changed. And those folks are neurotypicals. So we've developed COVID guidelines for employees, colleagues, managers, to ensure that, you know, they know the resources that are available, we've set up chat rooms, for those that are on the spectrum so that they can talk, obviously, to us, but to one another, see how everybody's doing. So it does build that sense of community that was a set of best. You know, I don't know that, you know, everybody's gonna come back to the office, which I just talked to a young lady in the UK, today was her first day back, but by next week, that could change, right? They could go on lockdown. So we, myself had to prepare, say, Hey, listen, you know, just just so that, you know, this could be temporary that you're back in the office. She goes, I know, I've resigned myself to the fact that I might have to go back Fourth for somebody on the spectrum that could be devastating. Luckily, she's handling it in the best fashion that she knows how, but we're there to support her. So, and she's got a lot of other colleagues in the UK, who can support her as well. So I'm pleased in that respect it Listen, this is a day by day thing, you know, we can employ as many tactics and strategies and help as we can. But invariably, there's going to be someone that just may not be able to be helped. And we have to actually prepare for that. And I'm as transparent as they come. Right. So, you know, sometimes that takes on another life of its own. And when somebody is in a dark place, and we're trying to help, we're not diagnosticians. We're not clinicians. You know, luckily, a few of our firms employ people who, who are those types of folks. But we make sure that we have those outside resources available to help them through this as best we can.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:50:59

So I'll stop there. Thank you. So we're going to move on to the next segment. With the q&a from the audience. The first is common to Jose, thank you for being a pioneer in the autism at work program at SAP some of our students have gone on to have invaluable experience working at SAP felt up. And then there's a question for Neil from Marcel champion from ultra knocks. She's saying that to see autistic individuals working in different departments, Do you have plans to hire people in the human resources department such as recruiters or trainers? You're on mute. Yep.

Unknown Speaker 2:51:50

So so yes. So I think one of our so the answer is yes. The one of our goals is, as I mentioned, is to kind of diversify the role sets outside of just what I call stem or technical roles. We've started to do that when retail with customer service. We've hired folks and content, content writers, technical content, writers, finance, I would love to get into HR marketing, those type of roles also.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:52:17

Absolutely. The next question is also addressed to you, Neil, came up in social media, from several autistics wanting to get involved directly at the autism at work roundtable and have a voice at the table. How can they reach out? Sure,

Unknown Speaker 2:52:38

yeah. So there's, there's a couple when we take a step back. So the autism network Roundtable, it's autism at work employer round table, is, the goal is to bring employers together that have existing programs that have been in place for at least one year that they actually do hiring in this space to share best practices held by their companies, and create create jobs. So that's kind of like the roundtable. And so you have to be an employer that has a hiring program in place. But we do, we meet monthly, and we have guest speakers all the time. There's probably people that are listening to this call that have been guest speakers. And so if there is a topic that you know, you are representing a group Association, nonprofit, and you want to come present to the roundtable, you can send me an email. And I can put you on our schedule to present to the roundtable.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:53:37

Thank you. So next question can be for anybody is kind of touched on already. This asking about what opportunities are there for your diverse neurodivergent individuals to rise to? leadership positions are key stakeholders. If you have not really talked about that, do you have plans to include individuals with different minds at the table while making significant business decisions?

Unknown Speaker 2:54:14

You want me to jump in microphone? Yeah, please. Alright, that I can do. There's no shortage of air on this side. So, you know, listen, we've had to shift and make sure that the interview process we will get you in the door, right, we got to get you in the door. But I think all of our companies want mobility opportunities. But there's some you know, you can have individual contributors, you can have the team collaborators, everybody calls it something different, right? If you do good work, you're going to move. That is how I think all of us would agree. That goes about right. So there's a performance review. There's a scorecard, whatever you want to call it, if you're doing a good job. We are going to move you I mean, we all have examples of just recently gentleman who came in as a QA specialist testing pass fail, moved to a compliance role two years later. And now two years later, again, he's moving to a marketing role. So and he's moved been promoted three times since then. So I mean, he's one example of our many examples. And I think we, we touched upon it, that we have folks at all levels of the organization who are on the spectrum, but we will create those opportunities, if you want to mentor to help you through your career path, we can provide that to you. Now, conversely, you will find the people that want to come in and do that same job, they love their job, they're not going to move from that job, they don't want to do anything else. Now business needs necessitates, you know, we might need to kind of change those skill sets a little bit if we can. But we'll try to keep you in that role as best we can. So give it to my colleagues, I'm sure they have something different to say as well. If I can add something

Unknown Speaker 2:55:57

up their phone to this for several hours. Yeah, so I think that you touched on something important here, Anthony, in when we talk about leadership, I think that we usually think in terms of leading people, okay, in leading organizations, I think that we need to have also a different mindset, because we also have individuals that can lead with ideas. Okay. And sometimes, an idea leader can be somebody who introduces a new mechanism and hearing has plenty of stories around this as well from from a why, in your way of doing things that to me requires thought leadership. Okay, so I think that we need to think in terms of, of people leadership, idea, leadership, etc, etc. One of the examples that we have at SAP is a colleague of ours that in 2019, won the single most prestigious Innovation Award of our company, we have 1000s of people that participate in this award are nominated to this award. Most of them are nominated steams. In other words, there will be three or four or five people. I think that this this year, again, one of our colleagues who is on the autism spectrum was the sole winner of this award. It was the first time that a single individual won that award, I mean, put that into perspective, you we are a company of 100,000 employees at SAP, an employee who is neurodiverse is on the autism spectrum, from Argentina. Okay, from a fairly small location was the one that one that very prestigious award. That's leadership. And going back to your point, Anthony, the opportunities there, there's no other way to shine and grow. And we don't have career paths for autistic people, we have career paths for people in and I think that's basically what we're all about here.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:58:14

Yeah, that's really a wonderful example. I hope this can be on headlines in many different places, because this is really inspiring to hear that people on the spectrum. And kind of in a not expected fashion, to be acknowledged in really significant ways. So anyways, um, this question is, can be for anybody as well. on the panel, what is the most effective point of entry to your organization's autism at work program? So maybe each of you can very quickly talk about how you practice that.

Unknown Speaker 2:59:06

I'll go real quick. So we have a website, you just go to forward slash inclusive hiring. And it talks about our different hiring programs and just everyday hiring at Microsoft. There's an email alias, you can also email at ms autism and Microsoft Comm. But our website has a lot of good information

Unknown Speaker 2:59:29

here. Yeah. Dr. Fung, can I just clarify the question in terms of getting started? Are we talking from a entity point of view or from an organization's point of view or both?

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 2:59:42

Oh, well, this is for the individual that wants to get a job.

Unknown Speaker 2:59:48

I thought, Okay. Yeah. I think that you will find that as Microsoft SAP JPMorgan Chase, see why GSC and many others that are not here have have programs, I think reaching out to them to have a conversation is probably the most important thing, because sometimes that I did see a question come out in the q&a, where you don't feel like you fit into a particular role. And I think it's important to have a conversation with somebody at that organization to say, here's who I am, what I like to do, what I don't like to do, how can we shape this role together, that's maybe possible in some cases may not be possible in others. But I think that reaching out to these organizations to have an open and candid conversation and it, I confess, it may take a couple of rounds of conversations to make that happen. So please, don't get frustrated, sometimes are large organizations, connecting the dots is not as easy as we would like it to be. But we are all very accessible as our team. So please reach out to us and, and have that conversation going direct to the source. And I think that conversation will provide you an avenue whether we directly can help us more organization, if not, our commitment is to connect you into a broader network that we're lucky enough to help cultivate and curate, to see what could help you.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 3:01:24

Michael, can us answer this question? What is the most effective point of entry to the dandelion program?

Unknown Speaker 3:01:32

Here we are probably similar to, to Neil, we have a website, which you can, you can actually go to dig down line so that you can we can apply through there. And we actively have rounds of recruitment. And also, you know, we we align it with our kind of recruitment cadence as well. So that's the best way to actually put our program to kind of connect through.

Unknown Speaker 3:02:01

Yeah, so I think there's a there's a couple of ways, of course, we're going to be doing some campus recruiting. So that's one avenue, but an easier ways to go to Work at JP Morgan comm and get in touch with us. So, you know, this is my full time job. And it's a lot of these other folks full time job. We have a couple of folks on our team that can kind of get into the email and reach back out into here at this point, probably have a couple of conversations. You know, we always set the expectation as well. Right. So, you know, sometimes JPMorgan Chase is not a fit for everybody. But maybe that person is a fit at Microsoft and, and Neil and I will trade a resume in the UI and JP Morgan Chase will trade a resume. And that has happened, just FYI. So you know, there's opportunities. If you're just reaching out to one of us, you might be reaching out to all of us,

Unknown Speaker 3:03:01

Jose? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 3:03:03

I think that we have three possible ways. One is to go out to just Google SAP altruism careers, and I think there's going to be one of the top links there does not take you to a website that can give you the information you need. Alternatively, you can email us at our autism underscore at underscore Again, out there's some underscore app underscore work. app is not the ampersand symbol is the word app. Okay. That would be the second possibility. The third one would be to contact our our partners. We work very closely, specifically here in the United States, with neurodiversity in the workplace. So you can email him or email them at neurodiversity app in IPW. And as the neuro diversity i d in the workplace that's in it And we have, of course, our partner in the Bay Area, Abel, the Brit, go out to their website, and there's plenty of contact information there that you can get your hands on and contact the team at Eva libri. And they can also share with you some ways not only how to get into companies like sa p but they are they are great companies, great third parties that work with multiple companies. So they have their eyes on where the jobs are available, who's hiring etc, etc.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 3:04:43

Thank you. So next question is from Michael. This attendees interested in knowing if down deadlines programs mental health program is going to be rolled out for Only the deadline programs employee? And how about the other employees? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 3:05:10

So we do roll out this couple of things with our mental health program, we do roll out manager, first day training. So for for managers and co workers is quite broad is just just for neuro diverse. But there is a sub segment around your diversity, which we built. For the individual perspectives, we try and work that's very much more targeted to neuro diversity, but we also are going to be embedding that into our employee assistance program. So it actually strengthens the overall mental health capacity across the whole organization, which is kind of critical. And then we'll be open sourcing a segment of it to allow other organizations and other support organizations to leverage that. So there will be a segment of that that will be open sourced as well. So it's quite about it's all about building overall capacity within the actual organization more broadly, across our, across our overall our overall workforce.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 3:06:14

Since you have the mic, the next questions for you to like. So this is about do you bring in, in person training to complement optimize quality training?

Unknown Speaker 3:06:30

Yeah, we do bring in Yeah, we do bring in personal training, I think, I think that's one thing we've we've kind of have a bit of a, an onion approach, meaning that we kind of really focus on, you know, all the contact points or potential issue areas of, of webmail, maybe potential anxiety points within the organization. So for example, we've kind of, we do in personal training for kind of, for the cafeteria, and security guards, sort of being very big on doing security guards in the cafeteria. And, and also, then we also provide for the managers training, we have a really a three hour training, which is goes through a bunch of scenarios, and we have autistic individuals actually helping out with manager training as well. So they'd actually providing the manager training, which we found a very, very productive fella found that very, very useful actually having our autistic individuals and delivering the training.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 3:07:33

This participant is interested in knowing if machine learning data science rows are those that are available for autistic individuals. Are there a lot of those opportunities? Maybe just very quick from each one of you?

Unknown Speaker 3:07:52

I can keep going? Well, yeah, we do say that, definitely in the machine learning and AI, especially around things like data labeling and exception handling. So we did we are actually involved in those roles.

Unknown Speaker 3:08:10

Dr. Wagner is here and I'll tell you that in addition to what Michael just said, data science, the analytics portion, augmented virtual reality, we are seeing the future of the workforce and solutions across all the industry and sector being built on these. And so machine learning and skills such as that are very desirable. And we can we see them applicable across industry and sector today.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 3:08:40

So the answer The short answer is yes. Anthony? Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Yes, Jose? Yes. Yeah. So this is easy. And then Anthony, you got a couple questions back to back. This one. This person is at Salem, Oregon, is how does someone participate in a mentoring program?

Unknown Speaker 3:09:07

Sure. So the mentoring program is we've actually gone out to our senior leaders, managers, and asked them if they would like to participate in the program. We have a lot of folks who are parents, children who are on the spectrum. Hope this is where the question is going. And it's not actually specific to Salem, Oregon is I don't know that we have a big presence out in Salem, Oregon. But yeah, so I mean, listen, we are we put it out there, right. So we're on our own intranet page, we have these different forums where we can actually ask in a broader sense if people want to participate, most of the time, it comes from our parents and caregivers group, that they say hey, listen, you know if you guys need help, Or you need a mentor, I would love to be that person and we can marry them up. And it's not like we have a shortage that's for sure we have, you know, quarter million people

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 3:10:11

in between, it's just a comment about your retention rate is higher than the retention rates for the whole organization.

Unknown Speaker 3:10:20

Yeah, that the comment on that one I think it's across everybody's is, it's because of the dedication, the loyalty, the focus, all those things that Karen talked about earlier, listen, some of these, we all have the same message on because we see the same things. That's why the retention rate is what it is. But every one of these folks will tell you, sometimes it doesn't turn out positively. You know, we're not going to feed you the line that it's, you know, 100% Golden every time. But the large majority, nine out of 10.

Lawrence Fung MD PhD | Stanford | Assistant Professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences | child and adolescent 3:10:56

This is an interesting question here. Is your program able to be duplicated in industries that rely on social skills? And does your process do anything to test for social skills with less adverse impact? So anybody want to jump on this?

Unknown Speaker 3:11:16

Yeah, Lawrence, I'll jump onto it. You know, it's interesting when we use this from social skill, I think every single one of our organizations today depend on teamwork, and teamwork and collaboration are probably the keys here to organizational effectiveness. And at the end of the day, our processes today, don't test for that. They assess for how you, as an individual are most comfortable contributing on a team. And I think as we know, there's always different roles on the team. And frankly, when you get that beautiful mix of all the individuals who want to play different roles, I think that's when you get a highly effective team. Even that means the individual who is extremely quiet, but but loves to, you know, build and create some of the solutions in the background as a support player. That is a beautiful and important role to have. And so I would pivot the question away from social skill, and more towards teamwork and how you as an individual can bring your part to that team and compliment other team members.

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