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Harvard Nutritional Psychiatrist Shares the Key Foods for Incredible Mental Health | Dr. Uma Naidoo

Updated: Apr 14, 2022


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Diet, nutrition, and mental health. What is the connection between them, how does our nutrition influence our mental health and emotions, and what are the steps we can take today to walk on a path towards proper brain health? Has your diet significantly affected your emotions, behaviors, or mental wellbeing? Are you seeking a powerful alternative to the never-ending cycle of prescriptions? On this episode of Health Theory, nutritional psychiatrist and author Dr. Uma Naidoo joins Tom Bilyeu to discuss such matters and more as they explore the connection between your diet and your mental behaviors. They discuss ways to lower anxiety through diet, the affect sweeteners have on your brain, what key foods to avoid, the ketogenic diet, what steps you can take for proper brain health, the dangerous and hidden ingredients in fast food, how to build a healthy proper salad, and what supplements everyone can benefit from taking.


Mind & Body | Dr. Naidoo shares her journey to focusing on nutritional psychiatry. [0:46]

Anxiety | Dr. Naidoo discusses the connection between your diet and your mental health. [2:41]

Sweeteners | Dr. Naidoo shares the affect of sweeteners on your mental health. [5:55]

Foods to Avoid | Dr. Naidoo reveals the foods to avoid for better mood and mental health. [9:09]

Panic | Dr. Naidoo discusses the connection between anxiety and being hypoglycemic.[12:16]

Keto | Dr. Naidoo discusses the ketogenic diet and its relation to improved anxiety. [13:35]

Brain Health | Dr. Naidoo discusses the ‘brain diet’ and the best foods for our brain. [15:06]

Alcohol | Dr. Naidoo discusses a healthy approach to consuming alcohol. [17:48]

Sodium | Dr. Naidoo shares her take on sodium and its affect on our health. [20:34]

Fast Food | Dr. Naidoo reveals the hidden, yet dangerous, ingredients in fast food. [26:12]

Meat | Dr. Naidoo shares the best practices for having animal protein in your diet. [30:23]

Mediterranean | Dr. Naidoo breaks down the mediterranean diet and its benefits. [32:09]

Easy Steps | Dr. Naidoo shares the ‘easy wins’ you can implement into your diet. [34:02]

Magnesium | Dr. Naidoo discusses the importance of magnesium in our diet. [36:15]

Salads | Dr. Naidoo reveals the dos and don’ts of building a healthy salad. [37:15]

Supplements | Dr. Naidoo discusses the supplements most people can benefit from. [41:33]

Connect | Dr. Naidoo shares how you can follow her to learn more. [42:54]


“When a doctor says to you, “Here take this prescription,” as I have done as well, it’s disempowering to someone, you know. You’re being told you have to do this and you have this symptom and this is what will make you better. I think that nutrition and food flips that ratio and puts the person in the driver seat.” [25:14]

“Having those little things at the tips of the fingers is empowering; knowing that there are 200 names for sugar." [28:30]

“What I find is that of the different diets, the mediterranean eating pattern has consistently shown the best results for depression and anxiety.” [32:00]



In today's episode, we're joined by Dr. Uma Naidoo. Michelin-starred chef David Bouley described Dr. Uma Naidoo as the world’s first “triple threat” in the food & medicine space: a Harvard trained psychiatrist, Professional Chef graduating with her culinary schools’ most coveted award, and a trained Nutrition Specialist. Her nexus of interests have found their niche in Nutritional Psychiatry.

Dr. Naidoo founded and directs the first hospital-based Nutritional Psychiatry Service in the United States. She is the Director of Nutritional and Lifestyle Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) & Director of Nutritional Psychiatry at MGH Academy while serving on the faculty at Harvard Medical School. She has also been asked by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to offer the first academic text in nutritional psychiatry.

I read her best selling book, 'This is Your Brain on Food' & in this episode we go IN DEPTH about which foods she uses to help her patients fight depression, anxiety, PTSD ADHD & more.


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