“My Entrepreneurial Life as a Person on the Spectrum”
Monday, November 21, 2022 | 4PM PST / 7PM EST | via Zoom only
Dani Bowman—who is on the autism spectrum founded her company, DaniMation Entertainment, at age 14 in 2009 and launched DaniMation UK in 2019. She graduated with a BFA in Animation in 2018 and an MBA in Global Strategy and Leadership in 2020. Dani has premiered 10 animated short films, a PSA, and a music video at San Diego Comic Con. Over the next 12 years, Dani has led summer animation camps and around the country, initially with Joey Travolta's Inclusion Films, and then expanding out on her own, adding programs at the University of South Florida and Plymouth University in England, teaching over 2000 youth with autism and other different abilities. In 2020, Dani pivoted to teaching animation from in-person to online with 1-Week Animation Workshops and One-on-One classes. In addition to teaching animation, Dani works with her students as a role model and mentor, encouraging them to follow their dreams. In 2021, Dani and her team participated in the Easterseals Disability Film Challenge, where she won for “Best Editor” with her film “The Home Office”. Dani is currently working on getting a Ph.D with thesis on how much the impact her program has had in the autism community.
Register in advance: https://stanford.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eymGmlZpRXShQtIjoqw3_w
About the Stanford Neurodiversity Project
What is Neurodiversity?
Neurodiversity is a concept that regards individuals with differences in brain function and behavioral traits as part of normal variation in the human population. The movement of Neurodiversity is about uncovering the strengths of neurodiverse individuals and utilizing their talents to increase innovation and productivity of the society as a whole.
Our Key Objectives
Establish a culture that treasures the strengths of neurodiverse individual
Empower neurodiverse individuals to build their identity and enhance their long-term skills of daily living throughout the lifespan
Attract talented neurodiverse individuals to study and work at Stanford
Train talented individuals to work with the neurodiverse population
Disseminate the Stanford Neurodiversity Model locally, nationally, and internationally
Maximize the potential of neurodiversity